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We've moved! Creatures staff are hip, cool, trendy, typical Tulane students. Therefore we have moved to to keep up with the current blogging trends. This allows you to easily follow us, submit to us via our website, and enjoy all your fellow creatures. 

See you on Tumblr and thanks for your continued support.




Finalz or, you know, whatever.

So, it has come to our attention that many of the submissions we've gotten are either really weird or posed.  I don't know about you guys but some of these posed pics are still creature-y in our minds. So, sorry about the hiatus. Enjoy our factoid post below as an apology. And enjoy some of these study snacks. Don't you love when we come back from hiatus just to distract you during finals? (Let's be honest, you weren't going to study for that Spanish 201 test anyways)

Clearly this person was meant to live in Wall

I wouldn't put "Photoshop" as a skill on your resume

Posed? Not? I don't know, but its weird.

I bet this was taken at Walgreens or Wal-Mart. The W stores have it all.

Another questionably posed photo.

And another photoshopped masterpiece 

Nothing good ever happens at the Rat

Nothing good happens when someone wears a tiara

Sorority Slideshow Picture?

Take note of the creatures of the background 
This person should probably transfer to Loyola, or rally 

But seriously, who ARE these creatures?

Good luck on finals! Send us some more pictures for distraction. And guesss what, we're not going anywhere. 



New Creatures Of Tulane Feature!!!

New Feature!!! Creatures Of Tulane Fact of the Day! Please email all facts to

Today's fact is:

The President of Tulane, Peter Gold, has a Pinterest. He has no posts, 208 followers, and is following 23 people. That's a pretty good ROI if you ask us!